Contractor Info

If you have any questions, call our management office at
239-498-2574 or 239-947-6058.
The Jasmine Bay Tower community 
does have certain restrictions on contractors/Vendors & cleaners work hours,  particulars on project(s), insurance/license requirements, where to park for unloading/loading while you work and using the service doors and service elevators in the garage that is included in our Contractor packet.
For any Owners that have projects forthcoming that are using Contractors/Vendors/Cleaners, please notify the office to whether you will be here while work is performed or away 30 days or more PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT and pick up a contractor packet
Each Contractor/Sub-contractor/Vendor or Cleaner will need to alert the office that they are here on property, and submit their buisness documents to be retained on file in the office for the current year. 
It is ALWAYS recommended to hire licensed and insured vendors, please keep in mind that when hiring a vendor, they work directly for you and not the Association. The Unit Owner bears all burdens of incident(s) and any action by your hired vendors/contractors.
Contact our office (239-498-2574) for Contractor Information & REQUIRED Contractor Packets. 
Any and all cleaners/vendors/contractors/AND subcontractors that are hired to do work for a unit owner that is beyond general handyman work, MUST schedule a meeting with the building Manager and ARE REQUIRED to fill out our Contractor Packet, Obtain Owners signature for access to the unit, and provide license/insurance, Workmens Comp/Exempt AND a detailed SCOPE OF WORK to management PRIOR TO THE START OF THE JOB. 
Please make sure your Insurance certificate box names Jasmine Bay North or South Condominium Association Inc. as an "Additionally Insured" on your paperwork and notes the unit# and last name of owner. 
Please send request to and we will be happy to provide information.

Visit Us:

4751 West Bay Blvd
Estero Fl. 33928

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